Well, there has been a couple of new things that are happening, like transfers and such, so lets start there. mM new companions name is Elder Edwards. He is from Draper Utah. He is the oldest of 4 children. He has 4 younger sisters. He has been out for about 15 months, and feels like he is about to die. (die in missionary terms is going home.) He isnt trunkie yet, but he is deffinately a different compaion thats for sure. If anything, I'm just glad that we dont have any real tension between each other. I will just have to send some video clips or something to show what he is like. He isnt bad or anything, he is just much more different than Elder Johnson. It's difficult for me to describe. I suppose that all my companions will be realatively different, but Elder Edwards is very unique. alright, so, now my area. I am serving in the Knightdale area. Being here is tripping me out. Knightdale is right next to Raleigh, infact, some of our area goes into Raleigh. The reason why Knightdale is tripping me out is because our district meets at the Raleigh stake center, and I have found out that Johnathan lives just a few blocks away from the stake center. I want to ask President Cotterell about what I am allowed to do and what I should do. Johnathan lives just outside of the borders of my area!!! I will let you know on how things go concerning meeting with Johnathan.
As for getting slammed by day light saving, I know how you feel. The church that I am attending is also at 9am. However, our bishop wanted us to be there early for some meetings, so we had to be there around 7am. In order to get to the church at 7 we have to get up and travel which takes about an hour. So that puts us waking up at 6. Take daylight saving in, and we are really waking up at 5. Yikes. But I made it through the day without complaining or sleeping.
When I first came into the area, there was only 1 person who we were teaching, and even then, he isn't that solid. It has been difficult to find new people to teach, but I have truely seen that our witness (or our finding) comes after the trail of our faith. For instance: 2 days ago, we were trying to see a few people that were in the area book who were formers and potential investigators. In the past, this has been the main source of our finding. We would usually use the principal of proximity which our mission president has counciled us to use. The principal of proximity (or POP) means that we will try to meet some people that we feel we should visit, and then we knock on some of the doors around (usually not more than 5-6) But anyway, we were doing what we normally did, and we saw that we accidentally didnt plan as well as we could have. We were left on our bikes with nothing left to do. This has never happened to me before, and my senior companion didnt seem to know what to do either, or really be motivated to do anything. But this was what I think was the trail of my faith. I didnt know what else to do to fufill my purpose as a missionary at the time and we were being rejected left and right. Nothing seemed to be working right. Even though I didnt have any direction really, we started to go more on the tracting side of finding others rather than POP side. In my heart I sincerly pleaded with my father in heaven saying, " I dont know what else to do, I'm trying my best, plaese help me." and within the next few doors, someone accepted us in and listened to our message and we had a great discussion. We have another appointment with him later on. It's so interesting to me how the lords work goes along. It's really a testimony to me that it really is the lords work, he is just letting me be a part of it.
Love Elder Masulonis
This a humorous thing Kent wrote about in one of his letters.
One night I was especially tired and fell right to sleep once I got to bed. Evidently I was snoring because I remember that at one moment I was asleep and then the very next I was awake. I was confused at why I was awake, and just like how dad talks half asleep half worried, I unknowingly asked Elder Johnson what was happening. After asking him several times and after coming to my senses he said, "I'll tell you one last time, but you have to listen!" I woke up to my senses, he told me that he hit me with a pillow so I would stop snoring. He laughed at my reaction. After both of us realized what happened and how things happend, we both laughed uncontrollably. (Missionary giggles?) I'm not sure on how much sense this makes but we were in the sage where everything was way funny because we were so tired.
The following are excerpts from a letter we received in the mail from Kent. There are personal things he writes to individuals in our family, and answers to questions that we have asked him, so I don't post his entire letters word for word. We are so proud of him and love to see him happily serving and growing.
Something that I have learned is that because the Lord Loves us so much, the things that are important to us, are important to him. Now this doesn't mean that all our desires will come true, but again, all things are possible with God on our side. Something that has stood out to me recently on this subject is that the Lord will help us but not do everything for us.
Right now we are teaching a few people. But one of them I'm thinking might get baptized. I'm kinda nervous though. He baptism date is in April and transfer meeting is coming up. And I'm not sure if I will be able to baptize him or even see him get baptized. This is particularly distressing to me because I have bee the only missionary who has consistently taught him. I feel connected to him because I found him and have taught him and seen him grow. We will see what happens. His name is Otto.
Kent also wrote other things but adds: "sorry if this letter seems jumbled, I'm as the beach right now. Don't worry I'm not swimming or anything. It's just easy to get distracted by the sound of the waves and the warm weather and all the beauty:)"