Dear mom.
For your information, because of the mail that I have been recieving lately, I am actually winning the contest in our district. I know that I havent told you of how the mail baseball works, but just to let you know, I am at about 7 points and I dont think that anyone else in my district has more than 5. So thanks.
Jeffery R Holland came and spoke to us. There were alot of things that I can remember about that visit, but the two things that stood out to me the most were that his #1 message to us was that he and the other apostles loved us so much. They are very christ like. and in order to be like christ-like, their level of love must be incredibly high. have randy read this part, it jsut came to mind, he might like it. ( what does the scanner say about his charity level?!?! its over 9000!!!!) anyway, ya, im still a goof ball:) which reminds me of the second thing that stood out to me, and this has to be taken in context otherwise it might not turn out right. He was over the pulpit and he passionately yelled into the mic and pointed strongly at us as he said, "DONT YOU EVER, EVER, GO BACK TO THE WAY YOU WERE BEFORE YOUR MISSION!!!" I think I will remember that for a long time. That's how much he wants our missions to change us. He also said that he had a personal interview with each of us just by shaking our hands and looking into our eyes. Yup, I shook his hand and got interviewed by an apostle.
Thats really interesting that you were studying the talk about how to recieve revelation from Richard G Scott. (by the way, his brother is our temple president.) I have been reading and studying that talk a lot. This morning I especially was studying Revelation. along with studying that talk I also read in 1 Nephi 15, its about when Nephi wakes up from having the dream of his father explained to him through another dream. ( by the way, the reason why I have been studying this subject is because my district leader challegened my companion and I to study and strive to recieve revelation on the question, "what do I need to do to find those who will progress.") and in it, nephi says his brothers say something that my soul has said more than once after he asks them "have ye inquired of the lord?" "we have not for the lord maketh no such thing known unto us." Nephi then rebukes them for not being humble. He then says later , "if ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall recieve, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you." As I read and reread over these passages along with some others, I thought, if I do recive an answer on what I need to do to find those that will progress, will I obey? So right now I feel like I need to truely humble myself and get rid of my hard heart. So, that's what I am working on right now. Humility. The reason being, I really want to see the miracles of God more frequently in my life and I want to see success.
You are right, I have been out for about 8 months, and it has been a great building experience. Sometimes I am able to recognize that I have grown a ton, and then sometimes it seems like I havent really changed since before my mission. I love you. You are an inspired woman and a precious daughter of god. He loves you dearly. More than what I and I would imagine you can comprehend fully. I love him. He wants us to be happy. He is the way. I love you.
-Elder Masulonis